Telerehab is an effective way for our therapists to perform remote assessments of your movement patterns, physical dysfunctions, and answer your questions.
Through this means we can effectively counsel on exercise progression, self-tissue release techniques, self-joint mobilization techniques, education, and more.
Personal Protective Equipment Our physiotherapists are all wearing masks and face shields. Patients are required to wear a mask. If patients do not have their own mask, we can supply them with one for a small fee of $2.
Hand Hygiene Our team have all been trained on proper hand-washing procedures and hand hygiene, including the “4 moments of hand hygiene”, which include washing hands or using hand sanitizer prior to, and following, each patient interaction.
Physical Distancing Our team is still practicing physical distancing where possible, and remaining 2 metres apart from other team members.
COVID-19 Screening Each team member, and patient, is required to complete the Ministry of Health COVID-19 screening questionnaire before entering the clinic for in-person visits at each and every visit. Nobody is to enter the clinic if they have a positive COVID-19 screening result.
Sanitizing Procedures All tables are to be sanitized with anti-microbial agents after each treatment, and frequently touched areas are to be sanitized frequently as well.
If you have any further questions please call: (905) 997-2639.
We hope you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and well during this time. -The Body Science Therapy Team.
Body Science Therapy
Office Hours
Sunday: closed
Monday: 8:30a-7:00p
Tuesday: 8:30a-7:00p
Wednesday: 8:30a-7:00p
Thursday: 8:30a-7:00p
Friday: 8:30a-7:00p
Saturday 8:30a-3:00p