Why Do I Still Have Pain?

Did you know that our body is designed in a way that dedicates more resources to “feeling” rather than “doing”?

What I mean by this, is that if you really do a deep dive into the nervous system: it’s anatomy, function, and therefore purpose – about two-thirds of the composition is there to facilitate sensation first, and output second, and then a loop that continues.

Think about this: when you touch something hot on the stove, what happens next? You move your hand away, of course. And, without having to consciously turn on and off muscles involved in this action. Well, that’s because the nervous system does this for you. The body reacts to withdraw itself from the pain source by altering the activity in muscles.

When you experience pain, the body reacts.

We also know that in the absence of structural damage (muscle tears, ligament tears, broken bones) we can still feel pain (another blog for this though 🙂 ). This means that subconsciously even, when your pain receptors are over-active, the activity in the related muscle groups change.

This is largely what is responsible for the postural asymmetries and movement problems that we see on a daily basis.

Treat the over-active pain signals in the sensory system, and get lasting results in the movement system (for example change from muscle weakness to strength, and muscle tension to muscle relaxation – often without touching the weak or tight muscles themselves!).

Come and find out how we do this, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. 
