Body Science Therapy


Increase Your Glute Function!

“I can’t feel my glutes when I squat.”“I have huge quads but can’t seem to gain muscle mass in the glutes.”“I have been told by

Look At Those Abs!

Breaking news: you don’t need washboard abs to have a strong and functional core. (cue gasp) And the reverse is also true, having chiselled abs on

Adduct Those Hips

Have you ever been walking down the street on a snowy winter day, looked away for a second (maybe there was a really cute dog

Postpartum Chiropractic Care

What can a chiropractor do for you? As a woman’s body goes through changes during pregnancy and adjusts to life’s new stressors, chiropractic care can

Cope Ahead for the Holidays!

The holidays are fast approaching, and while this time of year can bring about lots of fun, laughter, quality time, and of course those classic

Vastus Medalis – What’s That!?

Do you have a nagging knee pain that just won’t go away?Do your knees ache after going up and down a flight of stairs?Do your

sports injury and concussions

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a form of recovery where a physical therapist evaluates and helps treat any physical function of the human body. Typically, an initial