Innovative Chronic Pain Relief!
MPS therapy integrates the principles of acupuncture with modern neurological science to provide an all-natural, holistic approach to treating the body and mind. This combination produces very effective results which have been recognized across North America.
MPS therapy works with the Dolphin NeurostimTM portable pain relief unit. MPS is the world’s first integrative therapy developed exclusively to de-regulate the ANS and fight chronic pain. The theoretical underpinnings of MPS Therapy are based on combining the “therapeutic” of acupuncture, osteopathy, and neural therapy with modern neurology.
Note: MPS treatment is currently available with our Physiotherapy program.
Working with MPS therapy and the Dolphin NeurostimTM can have many benefits including but not limited to:
Take the first step towards a drug-free, non-invasive treatment that targets the root causes of your pain. Our highly trained professionals will guide you through the process, ensuring you receive personalized care tailored to your specific needs. Don’t let chronic pain control your life any longer, call to book with one of our Physiotherapists who are specially trained in MPS Therapy to get started, or click here to learn more about Dolphin NeurostimTM.
Sunday: closed
Monday: 8:30a-7:00p
Tuesday: 8:30a-7:00p
Wednesday: 8:30a-7:00p
Thursday: 8:30a-7:00p
Friday: 8:30a-7:00p
Saturday 8:30a-3:00p